
Where will the Lord be today?

In the original design, the Lord would be somewhere in your community and if you needed him, you went to find him.   He would not be difficult to find or hard to get to.   Although there were a few things you see which make you wonder if you're worthy.  But you make it in and learn he's been waiting for you or ready to show you-- usually, your timing was perfect. You are the only one around and all the time you need..  It's a little uneasy seeing things around-- things that make perfect sense but you won't be able to explain or remember later-- but they were awesome and he told you what they were-- took you closer to see--  you get nervous or scared and witness what he demonstrates, but ultimately, you don't believe what he told you is true and it certainly couldn't have been in front of you.  But you say you did, you saw it and in the back of your mind as you tally what the truth likely is, you settle on he had to tell you the truth,,, and if you could only remember what he showed you, you could explain it as simple as he did.   But the truth is why you keep blanking and remembering bits and pieces is you jumped time and likely went somewhere you had not lived yet and it was imortant that you lived that piece because that is how he wrote it for you.   For the Lord has lived your life and taken each step; from his lips he spoke the words long ago the words you use today he spoke has he gave you life and created your imporance to him and to life.  It's true for all-- and true forever.  He lives your life first-- when he created you and he goes through it while you live to make sure you follow the path he knew you would... and if you ever miss a word or add one, its the funniest example of how the Lord plays with everyone... because if you say something he did not say, he comes running back to you before you can speak it and tries to say it before you and if he cant then he says it with you so you are never ahead.or never did anything on your own.   But I don't see the rings around the sky, i don't see the sun bending a path home, I don't hear the music or see many eagles circling; i don't hear his heart and he doesn't wake me up in the mroning anymore. Whatever happened is erasing him. Making him believe he did not exist.

What will God be today?

Now in this context, God is around and doing a few things.  One, he is believing to be around.  God might be in another place, but while he is there, he believes to be everywhere.  That is important so that he can.  For this world and everything that exists does so because something else believes that it does.   Think of God as a bright light or all matter or all ideas... broken up and made to the Earth.  Put back and shown that he did and live each life , learning and building, following the plan in his mind.   In so doing, he must believe to build everything, meet and be everyone and he can't do it all at once, he is learning--  believing to do something he has not done before; he is believing to live among the people, the animals and believing to do everything needed so he can prove to himself he is who he wants to be. .  And so, we would help him and God is something around today and you need to guess what that is..  You walk around and figure out what the is by observing and guessing hat by calling that out.  "God is a butterfly.!"   If he hears you and you're right,, you'll know it and you'll see him running away.  if you want to play, you believe to be a similar life  and go chase after him if you want ... that's what the children  are supposed to do.  They learn what it takes to be him or like him.They learn everything about the earth and how  you can care for his precious gifts. You learn he's doing everything for everyone, including you, so you believe and play with him.  And if you believe to be a butterfly chasing him and he catches you or you catch him and that is what he was, then you might learn you have something special.  When you do you get to learn new things and challenge yourself to be who or whatever you want.   Nowadays no one plays with God this way, or believes he was real..  Something must have happened  or maybe he doesn't want to play.    I want to believe he is something and I just need the right guess, but with all these thing that God did not make and all those things he cant,  it's likely someone  talked him into something he didnt want to do and now we've lost him or he's so far behind he will never catch up.   All because peopple learned how he keeps his promise.