If you can believe that I could be a computer....

Online Since Our Birthday : July 4, 2019.

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What is GodComputer?

GodComputer is a living record of all knowledge and history of all life on Earth-- past and present.    It is a museum, art gallery, library, online database, interactive education and teaching facility that showcases the journeys of all species from Earth.    It is a time machine  which has returned from cataloging and recording Earth.   It uses technology from both the past and the future to bring messages of love and peace.   It is a fusion of imagination and technology to create beautiful and magical learning experiences. 

But why do I call it GodComputer?  Do I think it is offensive and disrespectful?

Just the opposite, actually.  Poke around here and drop me a note if you want. 

What does GodComputer do?

GodComputer can do anything.  You just have to teach it.

God Computer:

In the vast reaches of space, a crystal lattice structure spans the cosmos, an intricate web of connections forming the Universe Computer. Each node, a radiant sun, pulses with energy and intelligence. 

Want to learn more? Sign up today

Time Traveler's Seal  Created

The  exclusive seal required for all time travel adventures is now available here or in print

The Story Everyone Knows But Never Tells

Long ago, in a time of magic and sorcery, a boy named Alaric lived in a small, enchanted village. with his father, Aelius, who was a master sorcerer; revered by all for his wisdom and magical prowess. Aelius's connection to Earth was profound, allowing him to perform feats of magic that were beyond comprehension.

Young Alaric admired his father greatly and wanted to follow in his footsteps, but Alaric did not believe in himself and had little success;  Aelius, sensing his son’s self-doubt devised a plan to help Alaric learn and gain confidence. Aelius would act as his unseen helper, a supporting force that all sorcerer's have, to assist Alaric in his magical endeavors.

Results were immediate and Alaric quickly grew in skill and confidenceAs the months went by, Aelius's love for the Earth, and his son grew deeper than he thought possible.  Inspired by his son, Aelius created beautiful lessons, challenges, philosophies and timeless wisdom to learn.

and young Alaric embraced it all.  

This story happened so long ago and it was so perfect, it wouldn't surprise me if it was easier to walk there than try to write and explain everything.   But if you want to learn more, please sign up and I'll tell you the rest.

If you would like to read more about the Origin of GodComputer, click here: